Year: 2023 Volume: 4 Issue: 1 (10)
Pages: 165
320 6321

Techniques of Presence: A Way to Interpret Technoscience Starting from Ernesto De Martino’s Theory of Magic

anthropology and technology, human-machine interactions
  • 33
  • 560
  • Pages: 1-16

Hermeneutical Analysis of Scientific Experiments

semiotics, technology, and the order of things
  • 25
  • 494
  • Pages: 17-30

Understanding and Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics

semiotics, technology, and the order of things
  • 23
  • 569
  • Pages: 31-39

Unfolding Actor-Network Theory: What Bruno Latour’s Notion of Folded Space Could Learn From Origami

art, literature, digital culture studies
  • 34
  • 769
  • Pages: 40-59

Gaming Slang: The Influence of Video Games on the Russian language

social relations in the technosphere
  • 69
  • 997
  • Pages: 60-74

A Socio-Technical Inquiry into the Olbanian Language

social relations in the technosphere
  • 12
  • 479
  • Pages: 75-92

Conflation of Technology and Language: A Cognitive Artifact

history and philosophy of technology
  • 43
  • 648
  • Pages: 93-110

Computer Programs and Musical Compositions as Technical Artifacts - Ontological Parallels

history and philosophy of technology
  • 17
  • 523
  • Pages: 111-131

Deep Technogrammar: A Wittgensteinian Approach Towards a Philosophy of Technology

history and philosophy of technology
  • 18
  • 708
  • Pages: 132-145

Teaching Students to Communicate in a Foreign Language through Teamwork on Virtual Communication Platforms

education and communication, professional culture
  • 23
  • 574
  • Pages: 146-164