The Automated Expert Workplace as a Tool for Technological Support for Forensic Expert Activities

education and communication, professional culture

The forensic institutions of the Russian Federation draw on the advanced achievements of science and technology to account for the state of modern crime, the methods of committing and concealing crimes. In order to achieve this efficiency at the present stage, issues of technological support of forensic expert activity are of particular relevance. Based on an analysis of the scientific knowledge-base, it is noted that for the successful solution of tasks through the effective use of innovative technical and forensic tools, the organization of forensic expert activity involves the introduction of automated workstations. However, when creating some of them, the developers focus exclusively on the technical side of the issue which reduces the possibility of including the complexities of solving expert problems. In this case, one is not dealing with an expert's workstation, but with a set of technical means aimed at performing individual operations in the technological chain of production of an expert study (calculation of parameters, storing information, printing out the text of the conclusion, etc.). An automated workstation should include not only a set of technological solutions for various forensic tasks and databases, but also programs that facilitate the creation of expert opinion required for court sessions, including a presentation of the processing sequence of the analyzed objects. In the development of the question, the characteristics are shown of the currently established expert automated workstations („POISK”, “Raster” etc.). An automated workstation of an expert and its educational modification are effective tools of modern expert technologies that allow solving problems in the production of forensic examinations, conducting forensic records, as well as training specialists at a fundamentally new level. Their use makes it possible to optimize the solution of practical and educational problems, which contributes to improving the quality of disclosure and investigation of crimes in general.