Mimesis and Composition
Year: 2022 Volume: 3 Issue: 4 (9)
Pages: 191
373 7613

Mimesis and Composition: Introduction

history and philosophy of technology
  • 23
  • 609
  • Pages: 1-7

Productive Indeterminacy: On the Relationship between Play and Science

anthropology and technology, human-machine interactions
  • 28
  • 725
  • Pages: 8-20

On the Mythical Atmosphere of the Digital World

history and philosophy of technology
  • 35
  • 738
  • Pages: 21-29

The Pledge, the Turn, the Prestige: The Border Between Magic and Technology as Practices

art, literature, digital culture studies
  • 26
  • 805
  • Pages: 30-41

Enchanting Narratives: A Historical Ethnography of Contemplative Science

history and philosophy of technology
  • 37
  • 790
  • Pages: 42-75

Father Christmas: Magic and Technology

art, literature, digital culture studies
  • 11
  • 646
  • Pages: 76-89

Language in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

anthropology and technology, human-machine interactions
  • 85
  • 571
  • Pages: 90-100

Magic Materialism: From Atmospheric Technologies to Architectures of Affect

art, literature, digital culture studies
  • 20
  • 534
  • Pages: 101-124

The Composition of Saint Petersburg Scents: Smellwalks for Urban Exploration

social relations in the technosphere
  • 16
  • 467
  • Pages: 125-142

Philosophy of Biorobotics: Translating and Composing Bio-hybrid Forms

history and philosophy of technology
  • 20
  • 640
  • Pages: 143-159

Composing and Combining: Opposing Constructive Principles?

history and philosophy of technology
  • 19
  • 633
  • Pages: 160-174

Knowing and Controlling the World through Gardenworks and Biorobots: Discussion of Tamborini and Schwarz

history and philosophy of technology
  • 20
  • 455
  • Pages: 175-186