Artistic Creation in Virtual Space

art, literature, digital culture studies

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the changes brought by artificial intelligence to future art creation and to explore how art creation in virtual space will unfold. The language, concepts, and ideas of art creation in the contemporary age are rapidly transforming. The further development of digital technology makes it possible to create in a virtual space, and we no longer need to rely on the presence of analogical tools to create excellent works. Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies have been able to bring the integration of human and virtual environments to a new level, and the language of art is being redefined. By sorting out the relationship between art creation language and symbols and the future transformation of art creation language brought about by new media, this paper focuses on the changes in four aspects of future art creation: the transformation of art creation’s space, language, tools, and mode. Finally, this paper uses the practice of children's art education projects as an example to illustrate the form of art language expression in virtual space, and to provide a reference for the future art creation methods in virtual space.